3 Ways to Make Your Wedding Extra Special

Involve Your Family: Weddings are special days for more people than just the bride and groom. Involving your family in wedding festivities is a great way to help everyone get the most out of this special day. Write Your Own Vows: No one knows how to qualify your...

3 Tips for Choosing a Wedding Officiate

Work with Your Partner:  Remember to include your partner in the wedding officiate search. You both deserve to have the perfect, personalized wedding day. Refer to Your Clergy: When searching for your wedding officiate, consult with your clergy community. Usually...

Happy Anniversary Peter and Aiquin

Dear Irene,   It has been a year since you married us in a very touching ceremony in Berkeley. We confirmed our vows today, August 1st. in Beijing. Some 80 friends of Aiquin’s joined us for a traditional Chinese luncheon. Aiqun introduced our history in a humorous ppt...

Congratulations Kevin and Tennys!

Kevin and Tennys celebrated their third anniversary on June 25. That event was somewhat overshadowed by the birth of their baby son, Jackson on March  20th, 2009. They report that being parents is exciting and rewarding; he is so lucky to have four doting grandparents...